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Short Biography

Yilly Vanessa Pacheco is a Senior Research Fellow at the Department for International Economic and Environmental Law at the Georg-August University of Göttingen, Germany. She holds a PhD in Law from Georg-August University of Göttingen, and an LL.B. and an LL.M from Universidad Santiago de Cali, Colombia. Yilly has been a lecturer and junior researcher on environmental law, constitutional law, human rights, international law, and epistemology. She has experience as a legal counselor in environmental matters. In 2019, she joined the Jean Monnet Chair for European and International Law of Sustainable Development (EILS) of the University of Göttingen. Her current research focus is on international forest law. Yilly has published several papers and book chapters on multilevel environmental governance, climate change regime, international labor law, international forest law, and Trade and Sustainable Development Chapters in EU Trade Agreements. Since 2021, she works as a research assistant and tutor at the joint project European Citizen´s Initiative: A tool for engagement and active citizenship, funded by Erasmus+.